With all that has transpired since that fateful, tragic night of May 12th , 2024, I felt the
need to bring awareness to “Marko’s Presence”.
It has been a combination of non-stop formalities, court dates, events, and somewhere between the chaos- absolute devastation and confusion.
Marko meant so much to our family; but he also left a huge impact on the lives of his friends and anyone whom he encountered.
Marko is and was more than a news story, more than another file on the court’s docket, more than another horrific headline that makes you wonder what type of world we are living in.
“Marko’s Presence” inspired many. His passion for life and learning, his curiosity, his mischievous spirit, and his never-ending energy made all who knew him better for having known him. His earthly life, too short, spread love and kindness, fairness and inclusion, courage and conviction to stand up for what is right. His legacy lives on through his family and friends and even acquaintances – and through his Foundation that will impact so many.
My goal is to bring awareness to Marko’s life and all those he touched. With each
individual story of “Marko’s Presence” we can continue to be inspired by his charisma,
love for life, and the unparalleled energy he brought with his presence everywhere he went.
With Love-
Please email: [email protected]
Please share your stories of Marko’s Presence, including videos, pictures, or anything that illustrates how you were impacted by Marko. This way, Marko’s Presence will continue to benefit others. You may remain anonymous or feel free to leave your name.
All are welcome! Marko would want it that way.

When he made me come out to party in Cabo 2023, My Travel Buddy, Marko made the best cakes!, 4-12-24 FL, Vegas 2022, We had THE BEST time in Vegas, Always attached to me, Those LASHES !!!, ALWAYS made me Laugh, My travel buddy!
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First Entry:
My Baby Boy
Marko is my Baby Boy, younger brother to Luka, my eldest.
Born on July 6, 2006, he was THE most beautiful baby. I know all mothers think that
about their babies, and they should! However, I can honestly say that Marko was
beautiful. Even the nurses thought he was a girl, because of how gorgeous he was! His
features were perfect; his long eyelashes framed thoughtful eyes. I couldn’t go
anywhere without being stopped by passers-by wanting to comment about my beautiful
And from the start, Marko loved people! Even as an infant who could barely hold his
head up, Marko would laugh and babble to anyone who looked his way (no doubt
practicing for being so very talkative in the future!!!) As a toddler, when people engaged
me in conversation, Marko would babble back to them like he was part of the
conversation!!! And there were many conversations, as Marko went everywhere with
me. To work, to watch his big brother’s various activities, to stores — you name it, Marko
was in my arms! And talking the whole time! My Marko made his presence known early
Even as a baby, Marko LOVED music. He could barely crawl, yet I remember when he
was only four or five months old, and I would blast music and laugh as Marko moved his
little arms and legs and “danced” with a huge smile across his face.
As he grew, anyone who knew Marko, knew he LOVED to talk!!! However, it was more
than just talking – what Marko had to say was always meaningful. Something he
learned, questions about the other person’s life, Marko would be engaged 100 percent.
You would walk away with insight, a different perspective, something to make you want
to better yourself.
Marko was always very athletic and competitive. We had our fair share of him talking
back to coaches about calls or plays. Even at seven years old, he had the confidence to
stand up for what he thought was right. And I stood by him, always. I knew if he had to
call anyone out, they should be called out. Marko was all about fairness.
As the years went on and we shifted from Little League to the teenage years, Marko
truly came into himself. Whatever task or roadblock he faced, Marko would not give up!
He gave everything 100 percent! He would bring his firecracker energy and make his
presence known. His positive attitude could change your mood from distress and
depression to hope and excitement in a flash!
During Covid I would be just about to go to bed, pajamas and all, and he would come to
me and say, “Let’s go to Jewel and get ingredients to make a cake!” With his vibrant
energy in his eyes, I couldn’t refuse. I would get up and go with him in my robe that late
to Jewel. Marko would then make the cake and his enthusiasm would make me forget
about being in my robe in Jewel at midnight, during Covid! Marko made everything
exciting. Even a box cake mix!
With our many travels together, Marko would make sure that I was also enjoying the
experience. He would ask me where I wanted to eat, what I wanted to see. He was just
always considerate of other’s needs.
During one of our last trip’s together, his Senior Trip in March of 2024, I was content to
stay in our hotel room watching a movie. Marko was out having fun with friends, but he
thought to call me. He asked what I was doing, and I said I was good in the room, that
the trip was for him to have fun, and that I was fine. But Marko wouldn’t have it. He said,
“No way are you going to sit in that room! Come join me and my friends!” So
immediately, I jumped up and got dressed! A memory I will never forget. Marko always
included me with his friends, and they in turn included me as one of their own
Marko’s presence not only made you feel inspired by his energy, but he also made you
feel included everywhere. My Baby Boy, so wise beyond his years. His energetic
presence could make you do just about anything out of your comfort zone, just so he
could see you smile
Your presence will forever be missed
Love Mom
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One of Marko’s best qualities was his inclusivity. This past school year during lunch I ran into him at noodles (one of his favorite places) and he questioned why I wasn’t going to lunch with him and the guys. I laughed assuming he was joking, but from that day forward Marko made sure I was included in their lunch. He waited for me everyday by the doors. I looked forward to blue day lunch excited to gossip with Marko. I love you Marko and miss you so much. Thank you for everything
Love, Jordyn

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A Memory from Niles West Cabin with Marko Niketic — David Odesho
Cabin has been a huge event for the seniors at Niles West for decades. It’s an event where the seniors and a trusten guardian rent out a cabin for the seniors to enjoy one last fun party with each other. Marko so happened to be an exception to coming since he was so popular at Niles West. Usually, nobody outside of Niles West is allowed to come to this, but Marko was so loved in Lincolnwood, Skokie, Niles, and Morton Grove and was allowed to come. Of course this year was in Wisconsin, which was one of Marko’s favorite places to be.
Not only did Marko come, but he DJed, played all the music, and bought the entire friend group food. He was debating on whether to come or not since the end of the school year for Glenbrook South is packed with events, and he wanted to be everywhere at once since he had so many friends. Our friend group and his cousin Mia convinced him to go and he was the most outgoing person there. He was talking to people he knew, didn’t know, and people he hadn’t seen in years. Marko made our experience so much better. We all expected this.
A specific memory that we all share and remember is when Marko decided to switch the music to an extremely funny video. The video consisted of a laughing chipmunk and even fart noises. Of course, everyone laughed and shared the moment with each other. Some thought this was so funny, they hugged marko while uncontrollably laughing. I do have a video of this moment, but I cannot put any video files on the website. Though, I do have an image of him and I together there.
I’m sorry I wasn’t able to ever get you back for the food you bought me. I know I can’t now, but when we meet again, I will. Long Live Marko Niketic, my best friend forever.
~ David Odesho

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I met Marko when I was three. The only thing I can remember was him having a bowl cut, being the most talkative guy, and being the most honest guy (even if it hurts your feelings).
During the summer between fifth and sixth grade, Marko, David, Matteo, Dylan, and I were at Matteo’s house having a blast. I can remember Marko being so loud during that sleepover, screaming at the top of his lungs. His phone was on full blast as he was scrolling through videos. It was 3:00AM at night and Matteo’s parents were trying to sleep. Then Marko “accidentally chucked a water bottle” at David’s face. David screamed because the bottle hit the bone surrounding his eye and it started to swell up. Marko literally comes up with the worst excuse ever and said, “Just tell your mom what you got bit by the dog.” Matteo’s dog is a little white puppy, who wouldn’t be able to make that sort of damage.
My last memory of Marko, was him at prom cabin. He forgot his DJ adapter to his laptop, and it was the first day of cabin. We didn’t know what to do, but Marko was always finding solutions to things. Even if it was an outrageous solution, he was determined to get what he wants. His solution was to drive thirty minutes to a random Walmart to possibly get an adapter. We didn’t even know if they carried it for sure and we already drove three hours to Wisconsin. Me and a few joined with him, and when you’re in the car with Marko, he always underestimates the ETA because, according to Marko, the ETA is always wrong on map apps.
The day after that, we were all so hungry at three o’clock in the afternoon, all we had were burger patties and hot dogs. No one wanted to eat that for the second day in the row. Marko decided that he was going to drive thirty minutes out. He literally asked every one of our friends if they wanted to get Culver’s, but most of us denied as we were in a poker game. He still went to Culver’s with a few people, and got us all Culver’s.
These stories, will forever be with me and shows how Marko, was a funny/loud, generous, and genuine friend.
Love you forever Marko

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Marko’s Presence
I always would say, Marko has the loudest, most curious, and fun loving energy I have ever known. It would be known when Marko had arrived to our home. The door opens and before the door closes behind him, we know it is him. The screams of “hellooooooooo!” And if he sees me in the room as he walks in, it would be “Dreeeeee!”, or just screaming as loud as he could. He would then walk toward the kitchen stopping to ding a bell on a bottle as loud as possible (a bottle he gave us of course). The whole entry and process of his visits were more of an announcement to the house. Marko is here.
As much as it felt with Marko that we had another son, my husband put it best, Marko was like a younger brother energy to me. Marko brought out my inner child so often. When Marko and I would talk, it was as if he were 20 years older and I was 20 years younger (yet he called me old and I called him a baby). I’d laugh from my gut when he joked around with us. I found that he would always know something about everything and in the end, taught me many things that I did not know. It’s extremely rare for a 17 year old to have these conversations with parents. He was always so excited to share news, experiences, accomplishments or just something cool he learned in school or out and about. He was a sponge and soaked up as much knowledge so naturally and with such enthusiasm.
We shared a love for a good sugar cookie (we now call the sugar cookies from Daniel Foods in Fontana, WI, Marko cookies). Marko liked to put his mark out there, literally, with my label maker at our lake home. I had labels all over my kitchen saying “Marko is so rare” and “Dre is a boomer”. He is the kind of kid that you’d get a special drawing of a stick person farting on a post it note to be found when you open your laptop. Marko had a lot to say about cars and what I should get, finding Youtube videos to play full volume so I can hear the bigger engine version of a car.
We have a large family that consists of 5 children and many pets. Marko is Ella’s love and a big brother to Louie, Brodie, Charlie & Emi. Marko went out of his way to make sure he spoke to each of the kids whenever he was over(which was almost daily). All of the kids were so excited when he would be at the house to be able to share things with him, learn things from him, and just to be around him laughing at whatever would come out of his mouth.
Marko (Ninnimuggins) and my husband, big Lou (Lil Bro), had a special bond. From cars, to stock markets, to eating steak, it was all an adventure. Although, one day Lil Bro must have upset Ninnimuggins for him to drive on Lil Bro’s lawn.
As life gets busy with so many schedules, it’s easy to be “too busy” to reconnect with family. Marko had changed that dynamic. We never went out and shared so many dinners as a family than we did when Marko would facilitate. Marko was like a glue to our family. Our trips to Yard House and all the steak dinners out, were all so memorable. I could go on and on with stories and incredible memories, so many to tell and to remember. I’m so grateful for his presence in our lives.
Thank you Marko for all you brought to our family . Until we will meet again…
Andrea, Dre, Mrs. Schriber

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Marko’s Presence
Marko. Where do I even start. From the Florida vacations, to the weekends spent at Old Orchard as kids, to the never-ending football and Chicago Bears discourse, to sneaking out at Slava and getting Dunkin Donuts and burger king when we weren’t allowed to, to going to Bears games together, to watching horror movies at sleepovers, to playing mini hoop basketball and soccer in the basement of the Lincolnwood house, to playing NBA2k and madden together, to the nights we spent when you came to hang out with me and my friends at Stefan’s house, I really cherish every moment I got to spend with you. Every time we were together from little kids till now, I was just excited to be with you because I knew that I was going to laugh, and we were going to have a great time. Marko really does have a presence. You always felt him and knew he was there, denoted by his famous screaming, especially at the dinner table on holidays. Even though he is not with us now, I still feel his presence at times when he comes to visit, and I know he is always with us.
You and Luka will forever be the brothers that I never had, because even though we are cousins, you are my brother, and it has always felt that way. You were always there for me when I needed you. I’ll never forget when you and Luka brought me the new popeyes chicken sandwich when I had an ankle sprain and couldn’t leave the house. I’ll never forget when you came to my Deda’s funeral, and you missed soccer for it and didn’t care about the repercussions, all just so that you could be there for me and lift my spirits when I needed you. I’ll never forget the easter egg hunts every year, and how this most recent year you were so excited for it, and you talked about how we are going to continue this tradition until we get to run the easter egg hunts with our kids. I’ll never forget the pure joy you had when you found the golden egg. I’m so happy that you got the last one.
One of my funniest memories with Marko is when Marko, Peter, Stefan and I were all hanging out at Stefan’s house and Stefan gave us a 50-dollar bill to buy food and drinks. We went to the gas station, and Marko saw the slot machines, and he decided to gamble it. He ended up losing it all, but I don’t know if there’s a time that me and Peter laughed harder than when we were watching him gamble it. Of course, Marko paid Stefan back, but it’s a legendary story and just a snapshot of the countless funny memories that everybody who knew him has to tell about him.
One of my favorite memories with you was a very recent one, when we went to the Chicago Bears draft party at Soldier Field. We had so much fun together, getting our jerseys signed by DJ Moore, eating together and watching the draft, and when our bet on the bears 9th pick had hit, the pure joy we experienced together, I’ll never forget it and I cherish that day forever. That day was so perfect, and I’m so happy that we went and it’s one of my last favorite memories with you.
Marko was so amazing with people, and had all these amazing friends, and could basically talk to anybody he met even if they had nothing in common. Marko always made me feel included with his friends and introduced me to such great people that I am all friends with today. He is such a kind and loving soul, and always put others first, and wanted to make sure that everybody was okay. One of the things I really cherish about Marko is that no matter what, he always found time to spend with me and hang out. Every time we came over to their house, me and Marko would always just be chilling in his room, and whether it was watching sports, playing video games, gambling, talking about life, I always felt a bond with him, a brotherly bond, and it was so special and I am forever grateful for it and all the time I got to spend with him.
To Marko, I love you forever buddy, I’ll never forget our countless memories, all the laughs we shared, all the holidays together, all the sleepovers, all the hangouts, and just about everything we have done together. It still doesn’t feel real that you’re not here, and it never will, but I do know that you are always with us forever, and your memory will live on. Your memory is eternal, Long Live Marko, I love you brother. Until I see you again.
Love, Mili
-Milo Mijatovic

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“Marko’s Presence”
In our culture and religion, following one’s passing. 40 days, Six Months, and One Year, are especially meaningful for One’s Departed Soul. While 11/12/24 Marks the Six Months on the Calendar, this past Saturday 11/09/24 we Commemorated , Gathered, and Prayed for our Marko.
Our Children are fortunate to have Friends from many different Religious, Nationalities, various backgrounds.
One of the most amazing things about Marko, and his Brother Luka, is teaching others about our traditions and learning about their Beloved Friends, all while making everyone feel included, even if we are different, we in turn gravitate towards the same values, and in turn we are all actually the same.
“Marko’s Presence ” here in Marko’s drawings and experts. Displaying that sentiment in his own drawings and words: “Respect Realized“ shows this sentiment in Marko’s own words.

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“Dear, Marko”
I’m not even sure you even knew me your time here on earth. We never got
the chance to know each other, but yet it always felt like I knew you. David, my
little cousin and your best friend would always talk to me about you. Luka your
brother and a dear friend of mine. The way Luka and David talked and still talk
about you speaks volumes on the person you were. The first time I met Luka he
had his long hair and it didn’t take us long to figure out that our families knew each
other. Luka told me he went to Lincoln Hall before going to Glenbrook South. I
told him my cousins Isaac, Joseph, and David all went there. The first thing Luka
said was “David was just at my house, that’s my brother Markos Best friend.” I
always think about that day. A week or two passed and I was at my aunt’s house. I
was sitting on the couch with my cousins when I began to tell him how I met your
brother and heard about you. I always knew David’s Group of friends but there
were a few names that I always remembered. Ryan and Marko were the names I
would always hear. When David would talk about you it really showed your
character. Humble. A word he would often use to describe you. He would tell me
about your awesome cars, how he loved coming to your house, and how you were
always such a good Friend. I have to Thank you, you showed David what a real
friend is. I know that he will never forget that. I know in my heart that one day you
will be together again, and maybe I’ll get to meet you too.
With Love always, Angel